Resilience Check.

For free.

Your result:

very low

Your business has a tendency towards a very low resilience.

Businesses with a very low resilience are unable to survive crises and market changes. In addition to slumping economic indicators, employees also suffer from the negative changes for the business. The low resilience is particularly evident in high sick leave and fluctuations.


Your business has a tendency towards a low resilience.

Businesses with a very low resilience are unable to survive crises and market changes. In addition to slumping economic indicators, employees also suffer from the negative changes for the business. The low resilience is particularly evident in high sick leave and fluctuations.


Your business tends to have a low to moderate level of resilience.

Businesses with low to moderate resilience manage to survive crises in most cases, but not unscathed. Sales and employee satisfaction decrease. This has a lasting impact on the productivity and attractiveness of the company.


Your business tends to have a good level of resilience.

Businesses with low to moderate resilience manage to survive crises in most cases, but not unscathed. Sales and employee satisfaction decrease. This has a lasting impact on the productivity and attractiveness of the company.


Your business has a tendency towards a high level of resilience.

Businesses with a high degree of resilience can quickly adapt to changes and emerge stronger from crises. In addition, there is increased employee satisfaction, which is shown positively in the motivation and productivity of everyone involved.


Your business has a tendency towards a maximum level of resilience.

Businesses with a high degree of resilience can quickly adapt to changes and emerge stronger from crises. In addition, there is increased employee satisfaction, which is shown positively in the motivation and productivity of everyone involved.

Contact us now.

If you don’t ask, you’ll miss out on many opportunities.

We are available for you – always. Just talk to us.

MORITZ Consulting UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

Helene-Lange-Straße 8
14469 Potsdam

Fon: +49 331. 62 64 730

Anett Moritz


Paul-Philipp Moritz


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